
Made the 5-hour journey to Meteora, with a 45-minute stop along the way. Went directly to lunch, where we were serenaded by songbirds in a traditional Greek restaurant. Diners were instructed to walk into the kitchen to request which dishes they would like. I had the moussaka with a side of peas and potatoes. It was AMAZING! We then made the winding trek to the top of one of the nearby mountains to tour one of the convents (they call them monasteries here). The little church had recently had its icons restored. We could not take pictures, but the vivid colors and imaginary were beautiful to behold. We made our way back to our hotel in Meteora. I joined some of the other pilgrims for a swim in the pool and ate dinner at a table with our guide, Gabriele Miatkowski. Afterward, some of us sat in the lounge and shared some funny stories.